Tailored Translations
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About me
Good to know
About me

Gabi Schneider
Gabi Schneider, lic. phil. (Linguistics) and Master of Arts (MA) in Translation.
Although German is my mother tongue, I have a great affinity for the English language and culture. After graduating from the University of Berne in Switzerland with a masters degree in English linguistics and a post-graduate degree in translation from the University of Bristol, I have turned my passion into a career and am now offering language services in German and English.
Technical skills
Computer-assisted trans- 
lation (CAT) software:    
SDL Trados, Wordfast
Subtitle software:     Aegisub
Office tools: Microsoft: Word, PowerPoint, Excel
Apple: Pages, Keynote, Numbers
Computer: Apple OS X Sierra, Windows XP/Vista
Internet: Broadband
Hobbies and interests
Literature, children's literature, linguistics, writing, british culture and history, internet, web publishing, social media, journalism, media studies, social studies, psychology, cosmetics, gadgets, pop culture, music, cinema, TV series, pets, interiour design, travel, cooking.
Company name
My surname 'Schneider' means 'Tailor' in English. I am looking forward to tailoring your texts to your needs.

Tailored Translations
Copyright © by Gabi Schneider, Erlenweg 12, CH-3072 Ostermundigen, Switzerland. Webdesign by Bubble Webdesign.